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A prominent businessman in the country, who is also an investor in the Lions Club, Mohammed Dewji (Mo Dewji), is alleged to have been abducted by unknown individuals armed with firearms, at 11 am while entering the gym at the Colosseum gym, Oysterbay in Dar today October 11. Kinondoni Police Commander, Jumanne Muliro confirmed.

RPC Lazaro Mambosasa said Dar Police are investigating the alleged abduction of the prominent businessman in the country


An Uber driver said he saw 4 people get out of a small car, covered their faces, fired one shot and took Mohammed Dewji away.


RPC Lazaro Mambosasa said the abductors of businessman Mohamed Dewji (Mo) were two white people. In addition, he said a massive manhunt is being conducted for all foreign nationals present in the country following the abduction of Mo Dewji


RPC Lazaro Mambosasa says three people are being held by the Police Force for questioning over the abduction of businessman Mo Dewji

Dar es salaam Regional Commissioner Paul Makonda has denied reports of the discovery of businessman Mohammed Dewji, and that reports circulating that he has been found are incorrect.

RC Makonda has issued a stern warning to anyone who emerges and begins spreading false information about the incident or turning it into political capital.


Mohammed Dewji ‘MO’ was born on 8/05/1975, in Singida, Ipembe ward. It was by the grace of Allah that Mo was born safely, as his maternal grandmother gave birth at home but was assisted by a nurse and a doctor. He is the second child of Elder Gulam Dewji in the family's six children. He has one sister Sabera and his younger brothers Ali, Hassan, Hussein and Fatema.

After reaching the age of five, he moved to Arusha region for primary school education. He lived in Arusha and studied at Arusha Primary School until 1986 when he graduated from primary school.

In 1987 he moved to Dar es Salaam for secondary education and joined the Tanganyika International School (IST), where Mo completed his secondary education in 1992. And this was the last time he studied in Tanzania.

In 1992 he went on to further his education while traveling abroad in search of education and successfully entered SaddleBrooke High School in the United States. It was there that Mo began to show the first signs of leadership qualities when he took over the position of President of SaddleBrooke School. Holding such a position in a foreign country was a matter of pride and great respect for the family and also Tanzanians in general. Despite having a leadership position at a US school, Mo was voted at the school to be one of the best students or we can say the most talented student and the women's side who voted this year was the most popular tennis player in the world the Jeniffer Capriati.
After graduating from Saddle Brooke, Mo had the opportunity to join one of the best universities in the world, GeorgeTown University in Washington D.C., USA. He studied international trade and finance, taking Theology as an additional subject.

It was during this period of study at GeorgeTown College that Mo began to change his life and change the whole attitude of looking at the things that human beings do every day. The college is renowned for its excellent education and has provided leaders and people who have been very successful in life such as former US President Bill Clinton, King Abdullah of Jordan, President Gloria Arroyo of the Philippines and even famous basketball players in the United States like Allen Iverson and Patrick Ewing.

When he graduated in 1998 he returned home to Tanzania and immediately went into business with his father Mzee Gulam and started with the position of Chief Financial Officer at Mohammed Enterprises Tanzania Limited (METL).

Forbes magazine named Dewji (39), the 24th richest man in Africa with a fortune of US $ 1.3 billion (Sh2.34 trillion) from various businesses he runs through his company Mohammed Enterprises (Metl Group). "Dewji changed the business he started his father from selling goods to having Metl factories," says part of the news about the Tanzanian billionaire.

"He bought the state-owned textile and oil industries at a lower cost and made them more profitable using a modern management style," the report adds.

Metl has factories for the manufacture of clothing and other consumer goods including food, soap and beverages. It also has revenues exceeding US $ 1.4 million (Sh2.5 trillion) per year.

In addition to getting into business, Mo got into sports and started sponsoring Simba Sports Club in Dar es Salaam. This was the beginning of Tanzanians to see Mo enter the Tanzanian sports world and especially football.

By 2000, the second multi-party system in the country had arrived. And Mo joined the race to run for parliament on a CCM ticket in Singida constituency in the city. In the referendum Mo defeated the then Minister of Water Musa Nkhangaa by a majority of votes but the CCM central committee did not approve him to run for parliament.

There is a tolerant rhetoric that eats ripe, so Mo accepted and respected the party's decisions and campaigned for a party candidate and ensured they won the 2000 election.

Despite failing to get a chance to run for parliament, Mo helped the people of Singida in terms of status and wealth, while also increasingly offering lucrative sponsorship deals to Simba which exceeded one hundred million a year.

In 2001 Mo decided to divorce and decided to marry Saira, whom they had known since school days. Everything is arranged by God as Mo went to study in the United States and lost contact with Saira, but when he returned from the United States the couple got to know each other better and finally decided to get married where they were blessed with two children, one six-year-old Naila and The male is named three-year-old Abbas.

Two years after marriage Mo rose to prominence in the family company and was officially handed over to the entire company as CEO of Mohammed Enterprises Limited (METL). Under his leadership the company has climbed many levels of success and grown eight times the level it has achieved since its inception, having invested in various sectors such as Agriculture, Finance, Production and Product Distribution.

Statistics show Mo companies contribute two percent of the country's gross domestic product and employ more than 20,000 people.

2005 was an election year and the MO re-applied for the Singida constituency by-elections. He once again emerged victorious in the referendum approved by the CCM central committee as a candidate and subsequently defeated his opponents in the election by electing more than ninety percent of all votes cast.

On 29/12/2005 Mohammed Dewji ‘Mo’ was sworn in as the Member of Parliament for Singida town, and as the official representative of the Singida people's grievances in parliament.

In 2015 he announced that he would not run again in the constituency during the General Assembly to present a report on the implementation of the CCM manifesto for 10 years to serve the people of Singida, a meeting held at the People's Club grounds.

Games and Mo do not live far apart. President Kikwete came with a new passion and made Tanzanians love sports and especially their national football team, Taifa Stars. In order to achieve and bring development to the Stars a special victory committee was formed with Mo being appointed its Chairman. During his tenure the National Stars have changed from being the head of a madman to being a respected team in Africa giving uniforms to football greats like Cameroon and Senegal.

Also under his chairmanship the National Stars has

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