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Are you looking for a way to make money online that is not fraudulent? Blogging is one of the ways you can make money while doing what you love. In this article I will share with you 14 ways you can make money using your blog.
Remember! These are not the ways to earn money on the slopes quickly overnight. Never be fooled by the advertising that you will be made rich one day. Things are not going that way.
First of all you will need to have your own blog; you will also need to invest a certain amount of time or money in order to see results from your blog.
1. Become an agent
You can earn money on your blog by becoming an agent for retailers of various products or services. Once someone buys something by accessing it through your blog then you will get dividends.
You can join these services to become an agent:
Commission Junction
After selecting a product to advertise you can use ThirstyAffiliates to manage those ads.
2. Join Google Adsense
If you have a lot of visitors to your blog from 1,000 or more per day, you can subscribe to this service and earn money from the ads that Google will put on your blog.
Google Adsense Advertising Types:
CPC - Cost Per Click is an ad that will be paid to you as users of your blog click or click on the relevant ad. The rate of payment per click depends on the rate set by the advertiser.
CPM - Cost Per Thousand impressions are ads that you will be paid for from an ad seen 1,000 times.
Read also: 9 Things to Consider When Choosing An Advertising Company On A Blog
3. The way to place ads automatically
You can agree with the relevant company directly to place their ad on a particular position of your blog. In this way you can earn more money than using other services that are in agreement with the relevant companies or advertiser.
4. Write a sponsored post
This is a post written for the purpose of defining or advertising a particular service or product. The company will pay you for posting a description of their product or service.
5. Sell a blog
Selling a blog? Yes, selling a blog can earn you a very good income. If you know how to design and design a blog, then you know something extra. There are many people who need to buy ready-made blogs. You can search for a good address (domain) and create a blog and then sell it through websites such as Flippa and make money.
6. Create member content
You can create content on your blog that can only be accessed by registered members. You can earn money by charging them a subscription fee or membership for all those who need to sign up for your blog. This way you will earn direct income from members who will subscribe to read the content.
7. Sell mail books
If you have some knowledge you can put it in the form of e-books and sell the books to make money. You can create your book in PDF format and charge a certain amount of money to download it.
Read also: 7 Techniques for Best Book Writing
8. Sell online courses
As in the case of books, you can also organize courses to teach people various things you know. Organize courses well and quality, advertise them on your blog and people can join by paying a certain fee that will earn you money.
9. Find a job by selling your skills
If you have the skills to work or something you can use your blog to advertise yourself and earn enough income. When people visit your blog they may be interested in your skills so they hired you to do some work for them.
10. Be a mentor or coach
If you have the ability to advise people or motivate them on a variety of life issues, you can use your blog to reach your customers. You can serve them online or invite them directly to your office. These issues can be therapy, relationships, education, economics, goals, vision n.k. You can charge them for certain services and earn money. A good example of a blog like this is the blog
11. Start an online store
If you are using WordPress on your blog you can use the WooCommerce plugin to set up an online store and sell a variety of products. This way you can sell your own or other people's products and earn a good amount of money.
Read also: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Online Business
12. Sell clothing with your brand
If you are branding a popular brand or blog or company you can use it to sell clothing and make money. You can sell clothing with your brand such as t-shirts, hats, belts, bracelet, handbags, shoes etc. through your blog.
13. Sell web architecture work
If you know how to create wordpress plugins, Joomla extensions, templates (themes / templates) etc. you can create them through your blog and earn a good amount of money.
14. Receive help
This is a method that is not very popular but can earn you money. Have you ever

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