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The human body is made up of many biological elements that are often difficult to understand.

The body has a variety of defense systems that protect us from potential dangers. These systems protect us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from all things that can endanger our lives.

The following are some of the things that the body does that are among those defense systems of the human body.

The main purpose of the brain is to cool the brain after the temperature rises in the brain or after the brain is exhausted to function.

Similarly, if you are tired or hungry it causes a decrease in oxygen in the blood and lungs, this leads to respiratory problems, so yawning helps to absorb excess oxygen into the body to restore the body to its normal state.

We often sneeze when our noses grow full of unwanted pathogens, dust and various debris entering the nose.

So sneezing is an act of the body cleansing itself by removing the impurities that have entered the body.

Stretching the body is an involuntary act whose purpose is to prepare the body for the various energy activities you will face throughout the day. But stretching also gives the body muscles exercise and keeps it straight as well as restores blood circulation to its normal state and relieves fatigue.

I know you've been in tears, and often soon after you've finished eating. Have you ever wondered what causes the strange sound of sobbing or what causes people to grieve?

All of this is caused by DIAPHRAGM (pronounced DAYA - FRAM) an organ found inside the human body just below the chest after the lungs (lungs). The main function of the diaphragm is to assist in respiration, (inhale) and (exhale). When you inhale (diaphragm) the diaphragm goes down to help inhale the air to the lungs. And when you exhale the diaphragm, the diaphragm stabilizes by retaining its airway to allow air to escape through the nose and mouth.

Now, there is a time when the diaphragm is disturbed and causes it to drop very rapidly which causes you to inhale at an unusual rate through the pharynx, the air reaches the sound box (larynx), the part closes very quickly to prevent the air does not pass through and that is where the KWIKWI occurs.

Other things that can irritate the diaphragm and cause it to work poorly to the point of tears are an act of overeating or bloating.

5. FOLLOWING OF THE SKIN OF THE FINGERS OF THE HANDS AFTER getting wet or staying in the water for a long time
Have you ever witnessed how the skin of your fingers bends after a long wash or to hold water? Do you know why the skin folds like an old man when he is still young after being so long in the water?

Many people have previously thought that the folds of the skin are caused by water entering the skin and so the skin folds after soaking.

But scientists after a long research on what exactly causes skin to wrinkle? They said NO not because of the wet skin. And they came up with these answers.

When the body comes in contact with fluid it immediately sends information and interprets that the environment has a slippery slippery so that the hands will not be able to grip or grasp objects easily due to the slipper. There the body takes immediate action to wrap the skin around your hands to make it easier to hold on to slippery things in the water as well as to walk on slippery surfaces.

The main function of these rashes is to reduce the amount of body heat lost through the pores of the skin. Thus by doing this it enables man to maintain body temperature even in an environment where the climate is not friendly to the human body or is too cold.

In addition to the fluid (MUCOUS MEMBRANE) found in the eyes whose function is to protect the eye against anything foreign that enters the eye (for example when you cut an onion or insect when it enters the eye you shed a lot of tears eeeh !! Also against wind and smoke) and also serves as eye lubricant when blinking.

Tears also play a role in relieving feelings of grief. Scientists believe that when a person grows up with stress, the body develops something new to go on and off and destroy all the pain that a person feels. So the tears produced here contain chemicals and are known as NATURAL PAINKILLER. These tears are different from normal tears, their main purpose in producing them is to completely remove the pain produced in the body.

So far we have seen that there are three kinds of tears that are
i. Basal tears

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