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Matokeo Ya Kidato Cha sita 2021 Yanatoka Lini, Form Six Results 2021. Matokeo Kidato Cha Sita 2021, ACSEE Results, NECTA Results Form Six 2021 . matokeo form 6 2021, Form Six  Results 2020/2021, Check latest updates on NECTA ACSEE Results 2020/2021, Tamisemi Matokeo Kidato cha sita 2020, Form Six  Results 2020, Matokeo ya Ualimu 2020 and Matokeo ya mtihani wa kidato cha sita 2021. ACSEE Results from national examinations (NECTA), ACSEE Results 2020/2021, Tanzania. Get all the latest updated details regarding the NECTA ACSEE Results 2020/2021. We have collected necessary and important info related to the Form Six  Results 2020/2021.

Matokeo ya kidato cha sita 2021|Form six Results 2021 The decision to establish NECTA was a follow-up of an earlier move, in April 1971, when Tanzania Mainland pulled out of the East African Examinations Council (EAEC) to conduct her own examinations. Zanzibar pulled out of EAEC in 1970. Before the pull out, between 1968 and 1971, Tanzania sat for foreign Secondary School Examinations conducted jointly by the East African Syndicate, which before then were conducted by the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate alone.

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