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  Matokeo Kidato cha Sita 2022/23 – Form Six Results 2022/2023,Matokeo Kidato cha Sita 2022, Matokeo Kidato cha Sita 2022/2023,Matokeo ya Kidato Cha Sita 2022/2023,  Form Six Results 2022/23,Matokeo Form six 2022/2023,Matokeo Kidato cha Sita 2022

Candidates’ Eligibility to Take the Exam

Candidates who have completed two years of advanced level secondary education and three credits at the CSEE level are eligible to take this test.

Subjects/Coursework that Have Been Examined

The following are the people who took the ACSEE: Natural science includes Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM), Physics Chemistry and Biology (PCB), Physics Geography and Mathematics (PGM), Economics, Geography, and Mathematics (EGM), Chemistry, Biology and Geography (CBG), Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture (CBA), and Chemistry, Biology and Food and Human Nutrition (CBA) (CBN). History, Geography, and English Language (HGL), History, Geography, and Kiswahili (HGK), History, Kiswahili, and English Language (HKL), Kiswahili, English Language, and French (KLF), Economics, Commerce, and Accountancy (ECA), and History, Geography, and Economics (HGE) are all examples of arts combinations (HGE).
Forms of Examination

Each topic has its own examination format, which outlines the structure of the test paper, rubric, and information covered. Individual examination forms, which may be accessed using the examination formats link, provide specifics about topics covered.

How to check Matokeo Kidato cha Sita 2022/2023 ?

  1. Step 1 : visit
  2. Step 2 : Click on “Results” from the Main menu.
  3. Step 3 : The “Results” window will show all results available.
  4. Step 6: Select “Exam Type” as ACSEE.
  5. Step 5: Select your “Year” as 2022.
  6. Step 6: Students can now check their ACSEE result


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